Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Please have an open mind about this by Elizabeth Layfield

Hello, my name is Lizzy.Most people know my either as Elizabeth or Lizzy Layfield. I'm fourteen years old and I love to write. Im very open minded and I hate it when people won't consider the possibility of ALL things. Here is a question for everyone: I have been thinking about this ever since I was in middle school. Is there truly a God? If so, why did he create us? I believe that (im not atheist I only have an open mind) while are bodies waste away and die, our souls stay immortal. I believe that once we (our) bodies die we reincarnate into another body and having forget our past lives, we just keep on reincarnating into other bodies until we fufill our true destiny (though im not sure what that is for you or me) but once we do fufill our destiny we either go to heaven or hell. Or we go to a place inbetween (considering none of us can actually be sure if this is true whether heaven or hell exists let alone a God we can always hope). I also believe that hell isn't just getting burned for infinity or whatever, I think hell is somewhere where everyone has to live through all of their mistakes and fears over and over again until we can rise above or fears and realize that our mistakes happened in the past and that we can NOT change the past but we can change the future.So my question is: Are you going to have an open mind and consider this possibility or do you have your own theory? Or will you just ignore all of this and not belive a single word? If you want to ask me questions or talk to me or send in replys my email is thanks for having an open mind!

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